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Posted 7/29/2017 1:28 PM (#872057 - in reply to #868040)
Subject: Re: Bass boat and big water

Posts: 983

No I never stated it was an old man...He wasnt old and I did pay him xtrA too see it first...I said it was a friend of a friend...The Friend was an older man the guy with the boat was mid 30s which he had invested in boat with his uncle who was in his 50s...He had two boats the Ranger for ERIE and another smaller boat for the river....and the Boat Got used 1-2 a year for a week at a time on Erie over last 6 years so that isnt much use but plenty of big bad water experience over 6-12 weeks total on Erie and I have had boat to Erie twice over 3 day weekend and had plenty of bad water...If You would like to meet me there and see first hand Im giving absolutely no bad info your more than welcome PM me and we set up time and date and you can see im not trolling on here simply trying to help but you obviously dont think so

Edited by 25homes 7/29/2017 1:29 PM

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