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Muskie Gal
Posted 7/29/2017 10:00 AM (#872037 - in reply to #872026)
Subject: Re: Bass boat and big water

Posts: 199

25homes - 7/29/2017 7:58 AM

Muskie Gal - 7/29/2017 4:44 AM

25homes - 7/7/2017 8:11 AM

Ive got 20ft Ranger R93 been on ERIE numerous times...That thing chews up big waves great for a bass stay pretty dry too...

You just got your boat this spring.

Yes and I bought Off a from a friend of a friend who also used the boat on erie and I live and hour and half from ERIE whats that have to do with anything anyways...I could have bought a month ago and had on rough water at erie numerous times?? confused by your comment

You said you bought it off an old man that you said you would pay extra to see the boat first, also the old man did not use it much. I think you give a lot of bad info.

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