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Posted 7/27/2017 2:21 PM (#871829)
Subject: Marking muskies on sonar

Posts: 133

So in another thread just started, some fellas were talking about marking muskies on the sonar then and almost being able to call out which line was going to get hit. I have a solix 15 amd a onix 10 pretty high end units. And dont really know if I have ever been able to indentify a musky. The lake I fish has quite a bit of forage and I mark a hell of alot of fish. But not sure I would be able to say "oh there's a musky" the people that say that they can... Are yiu using si/di/2d sonar? And I take it that yiu are just using the size of the mark as yiur reference? Which my be very difficult in water with big northerns too!! Hahaha any way if someone could chime in would be great. Any screen shots would be awesome too

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