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Posting a reply to: Re: Pitting issues on the lower unit skeg area...???

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Posted 7/26/2017 7:42 PM (#871706 - in reply to #871700)
Subject: Re: Pitting issues on the lower unit skeg area...???

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Jeremy - 7/26/2017 7:22 PM

Pointerpride102 - 7/26/2017 6:43 PM

Jeremy - 7/26/2017 4:27 PM

Thanks Steve. I think I'll take her in at some point after doing some re-checking myself. This stuff makes me nervy...

Thank you.


I bet you could have the lower unit repainted, for extra protection maybe add another anode down on the lower unit somewhere.

Thanks Mike, I'll look into it. This just isn't right. You see lots of scuffed up lower units tho and they aren't pitted like this.

Try some googling on pitting/corrosion on lower unit of outboard. Quite a bit of stuff out there on the salt water side.

On your vacation are you charging on the dock?
Motor all the way in the water or out?
You'll read that these scenarios can lead to potential corrosion.

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