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Posting a reply to: Re: 86 Tuffy Marauder renovation

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Posted 7/20/2017 9:50 PM (#870935 - in reply to #870521)
Subject: Re: 86 Tuffy Marauder renovation

Posts: 410

Location: one foot over the line
ToddC - 7/17/2017 9:46 PM

Hey Beer & WBM,

I don't think Tuffy has the "Marauder" decals any longer. I took pics & measured my existing decal and my son has created a graphic image of it. I was going to have have him make a pair of black ones for my boat. Do you want a pair for yours as well? Let me know. I'm gonna start cleaning the hull up pretty soon. But I'm gonna do that in between fishing trips. I wanna get her slimed soon. Take care..,.. TC

Extremely tempting, however, i haven't decided what color i'm going with. If i end up with a dark blue then the black lettering probably wouldn't show up. If it ends up being a lighter color, i'll let you know asap. Thank you very much!

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