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Posted 7/18/2017 4:46 PM (#870638 - in reply to #870264)
Subject: Re: Common stuff that breaks on boat while away on fishing trip?

Posts: 99

Location: Tulsa, OK
Over the years, I have needed screw drivers, socket set, fuses, jumper cables, electrical tape, duct tape, cotter pins, flashlight and an extra kill switch cord. I usually also have on board a heavy duty wire cutter, connectors for wiring in case something electrical needs repair, and WD-40 as well.

I have also had to use a flat tire plug kit on a couple of occasions, both truck and trailer. I usually have a 2nd spare for the trailer too.

Better to have a little overkill than to be stranded in the woods at the side of the road or somewhere on the lake.

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