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Posted 7/17/2017 2:12 PM (#870468)
Subject: Outboard Steering Replacement

Posts: 1828

Has anyone replaced their mechanical steering system?

I've only barely researched it, but it looks to me like I have the planetary gear style helm with dual-cable steering. I don't know exactly what failed but I have no control of the motor's turning except occasionally I can get it to "catch" and steer. It's like the planet gears are stripped OR the cable is wrapped up goofy in the helm and not tracking like it's supposed to.

Seems like worst case would be I have to replace the whole system. I'm not all that mechanical and don't have a ton of tools, but naive enough to try a lot of stuff on my own. That said, if it's more than a 1-afternoon job for a novice like me, I'm bringing it in.

What do you think?

I'm waiting on a call back from the marine mechanic. No idea what they will charge.


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