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Posted 7/17/2017 1:50 PM (#870465 - in reply to #870388)
Subject: Re: Seat Bases Keep Coming Loose

Posts: 100

Are you sure the floor isn't rotten? That boat is now 18 years old and likely was built with untreated plywood (as in nothing to seal out moisture). You'd be surprised to find that most boats are built with completely unsealed plywood, and "marine" plywood only specifies the type of glue and grades of the laminated panels used.

My money is on that.

Edit: I see you have a Crestliner. Having completely rebuilt one, I can assure you that they use unsealed marine plywood. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 99% sure you need a new floor in your boat.

Edited by CRK925 7/17/2017 2:42 PM

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