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Posted 7/16/2017 10:40 PM (#870388)
Subject: Seat Bases Keep Coming Loose

Posts: 164

Question for you guys. I recently purchased a 99 Crestliner. Been a great boat so far this summer. One minor problem I am having though is the seat bases and screws keep coming loose. Ive already taken one out and turned it a quarter turn and re screwed it down. Now my other 3 seats are all coming out. Id rather not keep taking them out and turning them to tack them back down. Does anyone have any type of recommendations on what kind of product could be used to keep the screws in place.

I realize my other option would be to take the floor out and use nuts and bolts to tack it down. I'd prefer to avoid this for now, just wondering if anyone has used any products to better secure screws into wood. Let me know and thanks for any responses in advance.

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