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Posting a reply to: RE: Best prop for Ranger 620 Evinrude E tech 250 HO engine

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Posted 7/15/2017 2:06 PM (#870253 - in reply to #870210)
Subject: RE: Best prop for Ranger 620 Evinrude E tech 250 HO engine

Posts: 84

My TopSpeed now is 48 miles an hour the top RPM is 5200 I do have the M2 lower unit gear case it was switched over from the L2 lightning your case I have 3/4 of a tank a gas and with two people I weigh 270 and the two guys I fish would only one at a time they weigh 300 pounds . And at the time I did have my back like I will full of water I know I should not run at full of water if I don't have to

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