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Posted 7/14/2017 5:37 PM (#870178 - in reply to #869619)
Subject: Re: Trolling with 350 Verado

Posts: 20229

Location: oswego, il
One thing about hours on these newer motors is that you should be able to get a breakdown on hours in certain rpm ranges. I troll with my 115 optimax. Most of the hours on it are trolling hours. The only reason i could see for a kicker is putting those trolling hours on it, and trolling below 2.2mph. One advantage to trolling with a big motor is that it trolls at the same speed at a much lower rpm and much more quiet, escpecially a 4 stroke at low rpm. I heard a highly respected guide once in a seminar say he sometimes trolls the big motor for that reason and it puts more fish in the boat.

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