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Posted 7/11/2017 7:36 PM (#869740 - in reply to #869378)
Subject: Re: 86 Tuffy Marauder renovation

Posts: 320


I mixed the raka epoxy with a mixture of wood & fiberglass fillers to bond the transom to the outer hull. I clamped it and screwed in some temporary braces to suck it tight and let it set for a couple days until it was all cured. Then the inside of the transom was glassed with several layers of cloth. The corners were tabbed with several layers of cloth tape.

I tabbed the deck into the sides with glass cloth then built the side walls for the bunks on top of that and tabbed it as well. My lids are glassed over plywood & I got all full length SS hinges for all of them. I also rebuilt the livewell and bonded & glassed it all together as one piece instead of the two piece riveted & siliconed original.

I'll take some more pics & get them posted later in the week when I'm back home.

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