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Posted 7/11/2017 3:47 PM (#869700 - in reply to #869549)
Subject: Re: Buying a boat out of state?

Posts: 8791

Pointerpride102 - 7/10/2017 10:15 PM

RLSea - 7/10/2017 9:47 PM

I bought a boat from a dealer in South Dakota this year. My wife and I picked some nice weather in February drove out there, stayed the night, closed the deal the next morning. The dealer took care of the paper work. We drove back the same day. I handed the title(s), BOS, etc. over to an experienced license service I have dealt with in the past and wrote the checks. Being from Illinois we had to pay sales tax but the license service guided us through the details. It wasn't that bad and I got a great deal on a used Ranger that wasn't available close by.

Maybe Jeff can hire you to help him next time.

Next time I'm just going to wait in line until someone older than 30 is available, who speaks English. Once I found someone who had actually titled a boat trailer from out of state the whole process took about 10 minutes. Well, that is after standing in line for almost an hour...

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