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Posting a reply to: Re: Rooster Tail From Helix 10 Transducer

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Posted 7/11/2017 5:52 AM (#869580 - in reply to #869523)
Subject: Re: Rooster Tail From Helix 10 Transducer

Posts: 866

Location: NE Ohio
got the 10 DI transducer mounted by itself on my lund 1875 impact. i mounted it myself and adjusted it like the manual said and to get it to read at 52 mph the roostertail almost is as tall as my merc 150 4 stroke. i slid it back up during testing and lost bottom at 30 and the roostertail was still giving the 150 quite a bath. i've seen lots of boats traveling on the water and they all have a big rooster off of the transducer. so i'm just living with it. i've you tubed it and those folks say its the water coming from between the horizontal transducer and the vertical bracket that cause it. not true for me. my bracket has a piece of metal that protrudes from the bracket almost to the transducer itself. so i guess your going to have to join the club like me. LOL.

if you find a solution please let us know. good luck.

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