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Jerry Newman
Posted 7/10/2017 2:02 PM (#869487 - in reply to #869444)
Subject: Re: Best Prop for Ranger 621 with Yamaha 300

Location: 31
Sorry, I have 250 Yamaha on mine so don't think that will help much with a 300.

I bought the boat used in 2011 and it came with 2-3 blade SS props that I thought were the same size until I dinged one while loading in 2012. However, I instantly realized they were different and could hardly believe what a huge low end performance difference it made.

These offshore Yamaha's are better known for longevity, certainly not hole shot (especially on a 621), but this smaller prop has been kind of the best of both worlds for me... excepting the loss of some top end which I don't care about 90% of the time.

It's definitely worth you checking into though because the boat instantly went from being a bear with the "recommended" prop for max RPM/speed, to almost a pleasure to run at that difficult slow on plane rough sea speed of about 20MPH.

That's why I chimed in...hope this helps.

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