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Jeff Hanson
Posted 7/6/2017 5:03 PM (#868000 - in reply to #867998)
Subject: RE: Tuffy Esox Mag for sasquatch?

Posts: 945

I'm 6'4" 260 I have had 3 Esox Mags. Going to call B.S on whoever said front of boat level with water while he's up front.
I guided out of them for many years and had 2 very big dudes up front many times and never had anything close to that.
Great boat. Very stable. Miss having one some days except when its blowing 30mph on Monona then I'm glad I have my 1890 GT.
Get the Esox Mag. you will like it.
Jeff Hanson

Edited by Jeff Hanson 7/6/2017 5:05 PM

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