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Posted 7/5/2017 6:08 PM (#867828 - in reply to #867820)
Subject: RE: best prop for 135 optimax on ranger 681vs

Posts: 670

Location: Twin Cities, MN
Pretty sure your 135's RPM limit is 5600.

That being said, I run a 19 Pitch high five on my 617 with a 150 Optimax which pops it right up on plane and gives me very good speed and control at all levels and conditions.

I am no prop expert, but I think you are over propped.

My original prop was a 19 pitch Tempest Pro. I am thinking you need to be going down to get propped correctly and get your hole shot back. Possibly even down to a 17 depending on what prop you are looking at.

Have you tried the Merc Prop Selector ?

Good Luck


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