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Posting a reply to: Best Prop for Ranger 621 with Yamaha 300

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Posted 7/2/2017 11:38 AM (#867460)
Subject: Best Prop for Ranger 621 with Yamaha 300

Posts: 52

Just wondering what prop would be best to use for a 2013 Ranger 621 with a Yamaha 300. Motor came with a Yamaha Reliance prop which I believe was a 13.25 x 21. Although it performed well, I had some noise at low rpm's so the dealer switched it out to a saltwater series II sds 15 x 21. The That prop got rid of the noise but doesn't seem to perform well. I have a really bad hole shot and also is not good for tubing. I also have a just in case box in the back with alot of weight so that may be causing some of the problem too. Any ideas of what would be best?

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