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Posted 6/30/2017 12:24 PM (#867219)
Subject: Esox Mag Tiller

Posts: 4

I am seriously considering this boat to replace my current Alumacraft tiller.
I don't fish Muskies, but it seems to me it would make a great multi-species platform.
I own land on an 850 acre lake and that's where it will spend 95% of its time.
Never that much rough water, so the lower height doesn't bother me. I fish pike with suckers quite a bit and I like the baitwell. I have read about porpoising problems occasionally. I will rig it with an Evinrude Etec either the I-2 or possibly the I-3 HO, undecided thus far. So I'd like to hear from those who have fished out of, or owned one.
Advantaged/disadvantages, taking into consideration it will be a multi-species boat as well.


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