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Posted 6/24/2017 10:16 PM (#866326 - in reply to #866287)
Subject: Re: hooking boat to vehicle, level? nose up? nose down?

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
I agree with level or a little nose down. Nose down a bit puts a little more weight on the tongue.

Slightly different scenario, but this winter I converted a popup camper into permanent ice shack. It was a bit light on the tongue and was just slightly tongue high. Very bad uncomfortable situation that nearly sent me straight into the ditch when i hit a bump and ice. The truck having the ability to lock and unlock certain tires is what I think saved me. Not sure driving skill alone would have done it.

Anyway, that's just my example of making sure your trailer doesn't try to lift the back of your tow vehicle up.

Edited by curleytail 6/24/2017 10:17 PM

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