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Posted 6/18/2017 7:39 PM (#865541)
Subject: Ranger 690 trailer jack

Posts: 789

Location: Delavan, WI
Well the other day my trailer jack handle came off, there is a roll pin that holds it in place and it just sheared on the inside boat is a 99 I've owned it since 07 so I'm pretty sure its original i think I should just replace it rather than try to fix it i am a mechanic but just think it maybe best opton. I have not even opened it up but am sure gears, etc would be worn out. Anyhow it has a plate welded to trailer that jack bolts to I put down bolt pattern on piece of paper so I can match it up went to bass pro and none of theirs matched up, went to farm and fleet since I saw on their website they carry fulton which is the manufacturer and none of those lined up either , now I think my only option is to try and fix mine, contact ranger or fulton and see if they may carry an exact fit that will just bolt on directly. I really don't want to grind off existing plate and weld on new one , Anyone have the same issue, or any advice would be much appreciated

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