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Posted 6/14/2017 7:30 PM (#865138 - in reply to #865109)
Subject: Re: fuel pressure loss

Posts: 47

VMS - 6/14/2017 12:55 PM


An Etec will have alcohol resistant hoses, so I highly doubt those fuel lines would be an issue. If that was an issue, it would not create a loss of fuel would cause a problem in the fuel delivery system in the engine itself. This type of this is only a problem on older engines where the owner has left fuel in the lines for extended periods of time.


True on an all new rig unless you repowered (as I did) hanging a 2016 Etec on a 20 year old boat.

I know, but I love the boat and I got a smokin' deal on the motor. No down side here. The rigger replaced the short hose when they hung the new motor. I replaced the rest this spring knowing what I know and not wanting to take a chance. Cheap insurance...


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