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Posted 6/10/2017 9:00 AM (#864576 - in reply to #864282)
Subject: Re: Ranger 681vs Rear casting deck and Plugging big live well

Posts: 268


Great boat, as my first Ranger was a 2000 681VS. I had both the front and rear extensions (all three versions made at the time). If I were you I would look to get a deck box/casting deck made by Just Encase. Personally, I think thats your next best option.

That boat always benefited with some weight in the bow, particularly as your gas levels dropped, so using that part of the floor for tackle storage would also be beneficial for holeshot and for maximizing your storage space.

The cost won't be as detrimental as you may think.

Take care,


Edited by Ruddiger 6/10/2017 9:02 AM

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