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Posted 6/7/2017 9:33 PM (#864339 - in reply to #864326)
Subject: RE: Alumacraft Navigator Kicker

Posts: 3480

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

I have a 2005 165 navigator CS. I started with an 8hp 2 stroke, then switched to a 4 stroke. I love it!! I installed a fuel/water separator that had multiple outlets, installed a dedicated fuel line with bulb to the 8hp, and it works flawlessly.

I put on a high thrust prop from solas on the motor (it is not a yamaha T8), and it works really well both forward and reverse. At full throttle, it moves the boat almost 6 mph, and can troll down under .2mph...

On that rig, going any bigger I believe is a waste of money. An 8hp is, in my honest opinion, just about right.. enough to move the boat, and yet small enough to take on and off as needed.


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