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Posting a reply to: RE: Ranger Angler vs Fishmerman 619/620

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Posted 6/6/2017 10:31 AM (#864119 - in reply to #863972)
Subject: RE: Ranger Angler vs Fishmerman 619/620

Posts: 227

I run a 620 on Lake of the Woods and an 1880 on Lake Havasu. Both will go through 18" of water at a slow speed. The 620 deck will allow you to stow your 7" 3" rods flat, but the 1880 will only allow flat storage of rods less than 6'6".
The 620 is a much better hull for both fishing and running. I don't care for the 1880, but the significant cost difference makes it a viable choice. Both boats will serve one well as a family boat as well as a fishing boat.
Email if you have questions pm me

Edited by Abu7000 6/6/2017 11:05 AM

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