Posts: 470
Location: Blaine, MN | tbaatz - 5/30/2017 10:19 AM
If you want/need to drink stay home - If you want to fish then fish - It really isn't that complicated - Alcohol impairs your judgment - When someone endangers themselves and more importantly others unnecessarily they deserve to suffer the consequences - If you can't do one without the other you have an issue that needs to be dealt with - The laws are there to protect society at large from those who disregard the simple responsibility to not make their problem yours - Why we allow that type of behavior to persist is the real mystery here - - - -
Man I hope you didn't travel 1 Mph over the speed limit on your way to the lake and endanger all of society around you. Speed limit laws were enacted with public safety in mind. If the law says I can drink in the boat up to a certain threshold who are you to tell me to stay home? If you had a bad experience/outcome then by all means do what's right for you, but I'm not staying home to have a beer When I am completely within my privileges and thresholds to do so
Edited by short STRIKE 5/30/2017 4:10 PM