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Posted 8/11/2016 2:12 PM (#826946 - in reply to #826927)
Subject: Re: Post your boat pictures V-2016

Posts: 400

Location: Metro
Fishysam - 8/11/2016 12:58 PM

Musky952 - 8/11/2016 11:21 AM

You need a keel guard on that bad boy fishysam

It's there it's white, but even without one I'd beach on that sand. In my hometown in ND when I get out early season alone I have to beach on 1' rocks haha twin anchors keep it dead steady on a nice day and I have 2 microscopic scratches after doing it 10 times this year.

Ah didn't see that, nice!

What is a pain about the keel guards? I am about to put them on my boat because I beach a lot when I am by myself.

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