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Posted 11/24/2015 11:26 AM (#793862 - in reply to #793511)
Subject: Re: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 8

We have been a Tuffy boat family since I can remember from my dad, brother, and myself. But next year I'm buying a Recon 985. The way it handles in 3 to 4 foot waves is nothing less than amazing. You may not think the 3 inch beam difference is a lot, but it is. Before deciding on the Recon I test drove both the 985 Recon and the Tuffy 1890. Although the Tuffy is a nice boat the Recon is just rides better and is more stable. Not to mention Recon boats have a lifetime hull warranty vs. Tuffy 5 year hull warranty.
Oh the gap between the console and the boat is so you can lay your 9' rods on the front deck.
As I said nothing against Tuffy, we've been a Tuffy boat family since 1984.

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