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Posted 11/22/2015 2:23 PM (#793597 - in reply to #793585)
Subject: Re: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 296

The 17'ers are close to a wash stats wise. Tuffy has been around longer and you have the very nice option of going with the g-series with the Tuffy.

Comparing the Tuffy 1890 and 985 is a little more interesting. If you have 9+ foot rods the recon locker will actually hold them. The consoles also have pass through so for keeping rods down and out of the way while fishing. Once again though the g-series option scores extra points. I have really enjoyed both of mine. The rod locker is advertised as 9' but I can't fit my 8'4" jerk bait in my 1890. The box opening is too short for the extra long handle.

Both are great regionally built options with Tuffy being the larger company. I had a Tuffy 1760 and upgraded to an 1890. I haven't fished a lake where I could launch the 1760 and not the 1890..... Something to keep in mind. A 19' class 8' beam boat has a LOT more room than a 17.5' class 7' beam boat.

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