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Posted 4/8/2015 7:38 AM (#763946)
Subject: Lowrance Elite 5 Problem

Posts: 91

Hey Guys,
Wondering if anyone might be able to help me identify a problem I'm having with my Depth Finder. Recently, after a day of fishing, when approaching the dock, I got a little too close, and knocked my unit off it's holder, and basically into my lap! The wires were still attached, but didn't think of it further as it was still powered up. The next day i went to check it, and it powered up for about 5 seconds, and shut down.
I've tried repeatedly to power up, cleaning the power cord that hooks up , and checked the 3 amp fuse, which looked good...but still no juice!
Wondering if a diagnostic test might be needed?
I called Lowrance, and right away, wanted me to upgrade. I hope that I don't have to go that route, as I really like this unit. Makes trolling a bit harder without it.

Anybody have any suggestions or ideas? Thanks

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