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Posted 3/14/2013 6:11 PM (#626569)
Subject: Ranger 681 prop question

Posts: 531

I recently picked up a new to me Ranger 681 with a 1995 johnson 70hp.

WOT 5600 rpm, I cant find the WOT range but my manual says min 5700rpm (dont know why there isnt a max, but there isnt)

GPS speed 33mph with "normal load" the boat will see.

2.42 gears

13.75 dia 17 pitch SS prop (unsure of brand, couldnt find it on the prop)

The rig does require use of trim to plane out, it isnt the quickest out of the hole, but i have owned boats with slower hole shots. So I am OK with out of hole preformance, would like to improve it but i can certaintly live with it. Top speed I am happy with, i dont need a rocket (i understand a 70 is slightly under powering this hull) but also i wouldnt want to lose any speed if the prop is changed.

So with all of this, I am unsure if i should drop an inch or two of pitch, to get my RPM only to lose or maintain MPH.

any thoughts?

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