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Posted 3/14/2013 5:38 PM (#626557 - in reply to #626225)
Subject: Re: HDS 10 Bow Mounting

Posts: 670

Location: Otsego, MN
I owned a 618vs and had a LCX 111 mounted to the front on a large ram mount. I had that thing locked down solid and I personally thought it was not enough. In rough seas that thing would move around a lot and bang around. I had the same thing on a 620T and it was not bad. The 618 gets abused a bit more than the 620T. I see your in the metro and if you fish tonka a lot your going to see that graph flopping around up there as you cross the main lake on a busy day out there.
I ended up mounting it straight to the floor and it was much better, you can see it just fine no need to elevate a 10 inch I think unless maybe your 7 ft tall or can't see very well.

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