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Jerry Newman
Posted 11/29/2012 8:07 PM (#600412 - in reply to #598800)
Subject: Re: Ehanol and Hoses ...

Location: 31
Hey Steve,

Don't look now but you're starting to sound like a math guy ;-). I agree with your post with just a couple of exceptions.

Knowing that phase separation is a possibility, and if ethanol free gas is available why not top off your last couple of tanks with some high octane ethanol free gas? Keep in mind that some people store their boats for more than just a few months too. I actually had a friend who stored his boat at my house for about a year without using it because of a new job and he got nervous about the gas... I said no problem and disconnected the hose from the motor and using only the primer bulb, completely emptied the gas from his permanent tank into several 5 gallon cans. It was an absolute piece of cake do do this...

I thought this quote from the fuel school was pretty interesting regarding how long it may take for phase separation to occur.

"We recently were called to consult for a fleet where a fairly large number of vehicles were being regularly fueled from a single tank and about one-half the vehicles were stored inside and the other half were stored outside. After a night with a 30°F+ temperature drop, several of the vehicles stored outside developed problems with significant amounts of water found in the vehicle tanks. After checking the storage tank and finding no measurable water, they looked for other possible causes including sabotage. After looking at many possible causes this customer consulted with us and we were able to describe the Phase Separation through temperature change scenario and determine that this was the most likely cause of the problems."

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