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Posted 11/23/2012 3:11 PM (#599239)
Subject: Lower Unit milky oil

Posts: 983


After I drained my lower unit oil of my 60 hp mercury 4 stroke last season the lower unit oil was milky...this made me real nervous but when I took it into my local dealer to have them do a pressure test everything turned out fine and there was no apparent leak in the gear case. Replaced lower unit oil/summerized motor and on to this season I went.

Just drained lower unit oil today and AGAIN its entirely cloudy...Im a novice when it comes to mechanics and repairs of motors (im capable of changing the oil, oil filter, and lower unit oil but havent done much more) but why would the oil be cloudy if there was no apparent leak or anything wrong when they checked it before the season began?

Any input is appreciated,


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