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Jerry Newman
Posted 11/19/2012 1:50 PM (#598619 - in reply to #598612)
Subject: Re: Ehanol and Hoses ...

Location: 31
Brad P - 11/19/2012 12:55 PM

My 2010 ETEC also runs on 10% Ethanol no problem. States clearly in the user manual that motor was designed to handle that fuel. I have had no issues to date.

Guys, I'm no chemical engineer... and I've never had a problem that I can pin on Ethanol like Sled either. However, I have lost three power heads since the mid-1980s though... two of which coincidentally happened while I was being forced to use questionable resort gas on LOTW. After the second power head failed, I started adding a little extra oil (when I had a 2 stroke) and octane boost to the tank besides the injection oil without a problem... and have been running scared ever since.

So, here I'm just sharing/repeating what I researched, and maybe this Odem guy knows what is talking about... and maybe he doesn't. Considering how infrequently boats can be used and that the tank has an open vent to the outside... well, most of this stuff makes sense to me anyway. But you can take it for what it's worth... makes no difference to me.

Odem quote from above:

"The other problem, perhaps more damaging, occurs when boats are used infrequently, such as once every couple of months, Odom said. A chemical process known as “phase separation” starts happening after about 30 days of the fuel sitting still, unused. The E-10 fuel blend breaks down into water, ethanol and unleaded gasoline. After separation, the boat’s fuel pick-up line is apt to take in just the ethanol, which can stress motors and cause power-head failure"

Edited by Jerry Newman 11/19/2012 1:52 PM

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