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Posted 11/16/2012 1:20 PM (#598267 - in reply to #598221)
Subject: Re: Mag c performance

Posts: 3480

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

After looking at some specs on the suzuki 115 (I am assuming 4 stroke yes?), the motor has a top RPM value of 6000. I would agree, you can definitely move the motor up, and if you are looking to go steel, you can get into a solidly cupped and highly raked prop that would allow you to probably move the motor up to the top hole, but I am not all that familiar with the transom of the mag C series. If there is no set-back (where the hull meets the transom edge) then you can go all the way up. If there is a set back (similar to what a jackplate is doing, the set-back might already be set to have the motor higher, so you may not have to come up as many bolt holes.

When switching to steel in the same design and pitch as a stock aluminum, you can expect about 200 RPMs less since the prop will not flex anywhere near as much as an aluminum. But...if you switch styles, add rake, cup, etc. you will tend to lose a bit more since the prop will have a better ability to grab the water and hold on.

In your case, I would say move the motor up 2 holes and get a good raked prop in the same pitch. I would suggest a BRP raker in an 18 pitch as they don't have a 19 pitch, and the prop is another 1/4" bigger in diameter overall. When you move the motor up, you should see about the same RPM's as you are currently running now...just with better handling and top end.


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