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Posted 10/31/2012 2:22 PM (#594986 - in reply to #594959)
Subject: RE: Portable Sonar/GPS Question

Posts: 190

Location: Savage, MN
I quickly threw together a portable option for my LCX-27C thinking I would need to take it on a trip. Luckily didn't have to as I got to take the boat instead. I took a spare power cord and first put a 3 amp inline fuse on then crimped round connections on both so that it could be connected to a battery if supplied. I was going to bring a smaller battery with if needed and kicked around the idea of a 12volt Vexliar type battery but wasn't sure how it would hold up. In regards to mounting the unit I had to use the original gimble bracket and quickly made a little wooden box to mount it to (1/4" plywood and 1"x1" I had laying around), similar to that of a Vexilar case (was hoping to use my Vexilar set up but LCX was too big) and was able to mount the GPS puck on the back side of that. For the sonar I just used the suction cup piece that I had from an old Eagle Portable unit to fasten to the stern. It sure wasn't the nicest looking rig in the world and could only be used in the back (power cable length) but it sure was better than that old Eagle unit. Good luck.

Edited by Skyblaster 10/31/2012 3:46 PM

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