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Posted 5/2/2012 11:58 AM (#557382 - in reply to #557230)
Subject: Re: StructureScan transducer mount

I just finished mounting mine on an 05 620. I couldn't mount under the step, didn't have clear soundings horizontially, the bottom of the hull angles downward as you leave the centerline of the boat. I temporarily mounted mine in several places, I removed my temp/speed sensor which is just above the step and mounted it there and on 3 places on my jackplate. My problem was trying to get a good signal to the port side while my kicker was down. Every place I tried I had interference. I had the best signal below the jackplate, just before the step starts. In every position I tried, couldn't get a signal over 6mph.

Walleyecentral has a Ton of info on mounting these things on various rigs. I'd check there..

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