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Jerry Newman
Posted 4/30/2012 7:45 PM (#556922 - in reply to #556858)
Subject: RE: Converting Remote to Tiller?

Location: 31
ChadG - 4/30/2012 1:55 PM

How hard and expensive is it to change a motor from a remote steering and controls over to tiller controls? I am ready to make a change but all the used motors I see are remote. In order to get a decent deal I may have to buy remote and change it.

I agree it's not worth buying the parts/kit to convert, and feel you'd be better off selling your motor and/or buying the one you want. I have some experience with this because last fall I priced it out before I bought and converted a Yamaha T-9.9 tiller from a T-8 remote I already owed. All the parts for the conversion are 100% interchangeable.

The reason I did this is the T-8 did not have enough oomph for my muskie trolling, plus I was able to pick up a slightly used T-9.9 tiller “right”… the extra 20% horsepower was the ticket, and then I just sold the T-8 tiller and trolled happily on my way.

Joe, I don't think he actually has a remote now...

Edited by Jerry Newman 5/1/2012 8:08 AM

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