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Posted 4/27/2012 8:16 AM (#556123)
Subject: Mercury 115 4 stroke

Posts: 1106

Location: Muskegon Michigan
I have a 2005 115 Mercury 4 stroke on my boat. It is the last year the power heads were built by Yamaha . This engine makes water in the crank case if used for trolling which we do a lot. I was told to change the oil every 80 hours which can be is many as every 10 days in the summer. It is not acceptable. What can be done to stop this engine from making water in the crankcase? I have been told that putting in a hotter thermostat will stop the problem. Has anyone done this?

I am told that condensation is the problem. First off how does water get into the fuel? Would a line drier help? How about running pure marine gas? I am sick and tired of changing the oil in this thing. Mike

Edited by Kingfisher 4/27/2012 8:17 AM

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