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Lay in a Line
Posted 5/4/2011 9:08 PM (#496883 - in reply to #494980)
Subject: Re: Boat insurance

Posts: 25

There will be an article in the June issue of MUSKIE Magazine addressing boat insurance. Beware if you are paying the $10 a month for your coverage, you are not as nearly covered as you think you are. The basic boat policy covers your boat, motor and trailer only. You need to be very explicit when seeking quote, many agents do not realize the $$$$$ you have invested in musky gear, electronics and accessories. From my research for the article and my personal experiences as a guide on the Great Lakes I highly recommend Nate Hatzung of St. Louis Park, MN - William Petersen of American Advantage Insurance and Scott Folsom of State Farm both in Green Bay, WI.


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