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Posted 4/25/2011 8:39 PM (#495099 - in reply to #494980)
Subject: Re: Boat insurance

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
World Wide Marine Underwriters.

I insured my first boat with my standard insurer, State Farm. When I purchased my second boat I actually examined the State Farm policy. Yeah, it was inexpensive. It also covered next to nothing other than the outright disappearance (theft) of the boat.

Now I have replacement cost coverage, my motor is covered just in case I tear it apart on rocks or reef, and there is ample tackle coverage just in case the boat would go completely down, and adequate medical thresholds if you or a passenger gets hurt in an accident.

Around $300 per year, but at least I can rest a little easier concerning claims with the boat. The premium decreases 5% for every consecutive claim-free year

Call Bob at World Wide Marine Underwriters.

Edited by cjrich 4/25/2011 8:48 PM

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