Posts: 271
Location: davis,IL | I know some have asked about an extended rear casting platform on a 1750..... well I had provided some views of my previous foray in this department. For reasons of sanity and economic safety instead of buying my "dream boat" I've decided to maximixe my current ride...('03 1750..75 yammie). Step 1 ... boat... tail heavy, porpoises.... Fix.... trim tabs..... step 2 motor... stainlesss prop (13.25x15 Turning Point)... funny how a prop can make a boat run completely different from what your used too! Between the the prop and the tabs... the boat now rides higher... bow and stern. Sadly I think I found the true hop up for the motor a little too late for the season...(tried in the driveway.. sounds Great). So back to the boat. I am replacing the 15" rear add on deck, with 26"s of deck for Dad to hang out casting for the big girl. The motor hop up needs some serious testing when the water softens. The new rear deck, while not finished... looks good... carpet color right and wrong in the garage....(check the shading in the picture).
Edited by muskydope 12/4/2010 3:16 AM
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boat 005.jpg (138KB - 230 downloads)