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Posted 9/20/2010 2:16 PM (#460121 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: RE: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

I certainly dont want to get into the middle of the debate about icons or waypoints because I am not the most knowledgeable about using my GPS.
Here is what I do when I try and mark key points of structure and from the sounds of the discussion here, it is a combination of both sides.

I do like the track feature, but like has been said, there is really no way you can accurately follow the piece of structure 100% of the time, the first time. So what I do is mark icons or waypoints, no rhyme or reason to which one, I just use them interchangeably. Then, once I have the key pieces marked, I will delete the track, IMO its pretty much useless in some cases because of the zigging and zagging I did to mark initially.
Then, I go through and connect the dots with a new track. This one is more accurate. I dont do it to necessarily use it as a guide to follow, just helps me picture the structure better.

What do lake maps do? There are lines that connect points of equal depth right? All of our map chips do this, this I think is how our minds work. Granted there is TONS of detail that doesnt exist there and that is where you folks with your keen waypointing or iconing come in.
This obviously does not solve the problem of all the data you guys could be losing, and that really sucks. Glad I only get a few hours on the water here and there then. LOL

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