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Posted 8/19/2010 10:48 PM (#455946 - in reply to #455824)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Ask Josh Lenda how effective this is. He fished with me one day this year. We fished a lake he knows pretty well but I had only fished it one time prior to me spending the day on the 800 or so acre lake marking it and fishing it.

The day I marked it I spent 4 hours marking it up....I then fished it for a couple hours and caught two.

Then I fished it a second time with Josh. Ask him how effective the method was for us. How well could I tell him about exact detail about spots and spot on the spot, and more importantly, fish it with percision. I think we boat 1 and had two or three more hit and not hit the net.
Not sure how laying a trail could of given you that kind of detail.

If I am wrong, someone please show me. I would like to see what doc does, I bet it does have its advantage in cetain situations.

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