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Posted 8/19/2010 10:13 PM (#455924 - in reply to #455922)
Subject: Re: Lowrance data transferred to New HD units issue..

Location: Contrarian Island
TJ wrote:
"I've been running two HDS-8's this year, I've had to adjust without the icon button myself. So, I have found by laying down a track, it's just as efficient and in my opinion better than using icons. Lay the track down, use the way point button to mark a sweet spot or fish or whatever it may be."

I will debate w/ you that a track is "better" than using icons til the cows come home...a track does not map out only maps out your track...which are you telling me that your track is 100% right on the money all the time? you must put down all your tracks when there isn't a puff of wind I take it???

Edited by BNelson 8/19/2010 10:18 PM

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