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OH Musky
Posted 7/28/2024 3:33 PM (#1030017 - in reply to #1029982)
Subject: Re: Boat to Trailer

Posts: 402

Location: SW Ohio
MuskyMidget - 7/25/2024 11:50 AM

I have the Drotto also. Which mounting holes did you guys use? I used the "most common" recommendation that was in the instructions. However, the keel of my boat is slightly off the front roller on the bottom of the trailer. It's as if the device is grabbing the hook too high to let the boat sit completely on the trailer. I may just have to try the other mounting hole to see if that helps.

Boat to Trailer emailed me back and they have a "hook adaptor" for $9.99 that looks like it solves the small bow eye issue.

I had the same issue with my Skeeter. Used the highest bolt hole position to lower the mount but my bow was still raised. I drilled another set of holes to set the bracket a bit lower. That helped some. Not much room for modification.

Edited by OH Musky 7/28/2024 3:34 PM

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