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Posted 6/17/2024 1:58 PM (#1029162 - in reply to #1029127)
Subject: Re: Ulterra

Posts: 1037

Yeah.....see the post above. I have an Ulterra, and it's been great for me. All are, right up until they are not. When I put mine on my boat, I put on the quick release mount, so that I can take it off quickly and safely.

I guess I was told that sometimes, stuff happens. But many times, things break down because they are not properly taken care of. After every use, I do spray some Tri Flow onto a paper towel and then gently rub that onto the belt.

I was also told to not overtighten the belt. There is a little hex head on the top of the motor. I check the tension on that belt and then give very slight turns on that hex to get things to where they need to be. I check that twice a year and usually end up tightening it a little bit. Talking about a 12:00 to 2:00 turn.

So far so good for me. And....I have one hip that has been replaced and need another one. I love the stow and deploy feature. Solo launches are much easier, now, too. Just make sure to have the trolling motor "on", first!!!!

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