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North of 8
Posted 6/15/2024 9:44 AM (#1029129 - in reply to #1029127)
Subject: Re: Ulterra

Mine is post 2017, bought in 2021. I love it but I had to have the motor that turns right replaced under warranty and have an appointment to have that done again. Still works but loud, high pitched sound when turning right. Fellow at Northland Marine, largest Minnkota servicer in the Northwoods, said he did not know why, but is always the motor for right turn that has issues.
Fishing by myself a lot of the time, the self deploy and stow is great. On windy days in particular. I fish from an 18' tiller and now I just spot lock, go back, start the big motor, clip the kill switch to my pfd and then stow the Ulterra from my seat at the back of the boat. In the spring when fishing the shallows for panfish, great to be able to raise/lower the motor without having to manually raise/lower.
Only other issue I have is that about once a year I have lost pairing with the remote.
Relatively easy to pair but the signal that pairing has taken place is a high pitched beep. As an old guy with hearing loss, I have to practically put my ear on the power head to hear. (don't like wearing my hearing aids in boat). I wrote Minnkota and suggested they have an LED instead of a beep.

Edited by North of 8 6/15/2024 9:46 AM

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