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Posted 3/19/2024 10:05 AM (#1027112)
Subject: Trolling set up for Folbes: track, rail, mounting options

Posts: 41

Location: Lower Peninsula

I just upgraded to a bigger boat a month ago. On my last boat (aluminum) I had two side-mounted folbe holders straight to the aluminum hull and they worked great for the limited trolling I did.

Now that I have a bigger 18' fiberglass boat, I want to install 2 - 3 folbe holders along the Gunnel on each side. I was leaning towards a track (Cisco/Traxstech) system, maybe 36' each side, but I am having difficultly identifying which track compatible piece I mount the folbe holders on. I also am planning the rear most mount on each side as a rotating as a down rod.

Alternatively, I could install rails, which Folbe makes a cheap mount adapter for. However, I assume that tracks are superior. Right now the boat has bare glass gunnels except for a cheap flush mount on each side which I would like to remove and cover (ideally with a track).

Does anyone have any product recommendations or advice on an efficient way to set this up? The tracks themselves are not very expensive, but I will not be dishing out $150+ for each rod holder - quite happy with Folbe. The main question I have is how do I attach Folbes to the track?

Thanks in advance, RikkiTikkii

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